dotProject integration with Eventum
I was busy last week with meetings in Cupertino, but Adam Donnison wrote me to tell me about the work he did to provide some integration between the two systems. I personally never tried dotProject myself, but for those interested, here is the email from Adam:
It provides the backend for Eventum using Companies and Contacts
within dotProject, and provides a reciprocal view-only listing
of open issues for dotProject users.It does require the latest CVS version of dotProject (or more
correctly the classes/query.class.php from the latest CVS) to
provide the multi-db query support.URL is:
Feedback is very much welcome!
TK said,
July 10, 2007 @ 1:29 pm
I was wondering if you could guide me towards integration of dotProject and Eventum. I need to understand better what to do with the files downloaded from I contacted Adam and Karen but haven’t heard from them yet. Their website is also gone, so there is no documentation available.
Please respond to j k r a e r (at) t a y l o r b e a n (d0t) c o m.
Thank you!
Bernardino Casillas said,
May 11, 2010 @ 3:41 pm
Joao, i totally new in Eventum, i just installed on my office and i’m running some tests, i have some questions:
– I already config the email account to establish the connection to mail server, and it is showing that the connection was success, what are the next steps to configure the email integration, or is there anybody else who can help me on this?, i’m running it on XP, for company’s policy i can not install another OS, i have appserv 3.5.10, and eventum 2.2. Please help me on this
Best regards