effbot.exe/effnews wish-list
I have been using the effnews application for a while now. I would recommend it to anyone looking for a simple tool that lets you browse your favorite weblogs quickly without having to install bundled libraries or confusing preferences.
While this tool is pretty much perfect for what I want from a RSS newsreader, it would be nice if the tool could get an upgrade in its algorythm used to check if the weblogs have new content or not. Several times I see the little asterisk by the side of the weblog title, but the contents didn’t change (i.e. no new posts). I’m not sure if it is a problem with the tool or just broken data in the actual RSS feed, but it would be nice if it could be improved.
Also, how in hell do I remove a subscribed weblog from effnews ? I can’t seem to find a way :)