Wow, it’s been a while

So it’s been a while since I have written anything here. It turns out maintaining a blog is much more work than it may seem.

I’ll try once again to keep this around as a log of my thoughts, and maybe as a repository for interesting things I find on my own blogroll but that I usually just send to friends.

Smarty / Form validation presentation

I did a presentation at the August meeting of the Houston PHP Users Group about some of the research we did a few months ago at Alert Logic to improve our form validation code, so it’s easier to implement by making it somewhat automated and integrating it our with Smarty templates.

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My Smarty Book Getting Published

Smarty PHP Template Programming and Applications

The book I have been working on for a while is finally getting published at the end of the month! The title is Smarty PHP Template Programming and Applications.

I’m very excited that it is going to be available at the end of the month, and counting the days until I get my hands on a copy myself.

For those interested, you may buy a copy at the following sites:

Eventum and its model for a Blueprint PHP Application

Harry, thanks for the praise for Eventum. This is mainly the result of my work and Bryan Alsdorf at MySQL, even though I’m no longer with MySQL AB anymore. We do agree with you on the aspects of making the page controllers as simple as possible, and also trying to let the code be as simple as possible, but still easy to maintain and change.

For some of its technical weaknesses such as the use of HTTP_GET_VARS and etc, there is a reason for this. Eventum was initially supposed to be a commercial product, and I wanted to sell commercial licenses of this application, to be then installed at the customer’s server. I tried to make the installation process as easy as possible (and it still is one of the easiest web applications to install around), and that meant working with whatever PHP configuration was available on that server. That forced me to make concessions on a few features, and that is one of them.

Anyway, thanks for the pointer, even though I’m not really involved with Eventum too much myself. I’m sure Bryan will like hearing about this.

Form inputs and their behaviors

So looks like someone needs to play a bit more with their form inputs. Marko reports that when he changed his form from:

<input type="button" />


<input type="image" />

His forms started getting submitted automatically when clicking the image button. But yeah, that’s how it’s supposed to work. If that button is supposed to be your main “submit” like button on your form, then change your JavaScript code to trap the onSubmit event and return false to it. As in:

<form method="post" onSubmit="javascript:return handleXHR();"></form>

Then inside that function you just do “return false;” to stop the form from being submitted.

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